FAQs on HHO Carbon Cleaning Services

Explore answers to common questions from customers considering DeKarb’s HHO services. Find information on benefits, process, pricing, and more to make an informed decision about integrating HHO technology into your vehicle maintenance routine.

What is HHO service?

HHO service is a process that uses hydrogen and oxygen gases to clean and improve the performance of combustion engines.

Is HHO service safe for my vehicle?

Yes, HHO service is safe for most vehicles. It is a non-invasive process that does not damage the engine or any other components.

How does HHO service work?

HHO service works by introducing a small amount of hydrogen and oxygen gases into the engine’s combustion chamber, which helps to break down carbon deposits and improve engine efficiency.

Can HHO service damage my engine?

No, HHO service does not damage the engine. It actually helps to improve the engine’s performance and longevity by reducing wear and tear caused by carbon deposits.


Do you offer a warranty or guarantee?

Yes, we offer a warranty of 10,000km for all services rendered. Additionally, we provide a guarantee that includes a dyno test before and after the service. For more details, please follow this link


How often should I get HHO service for my vehicle?

It is recommended to get HHO service done once a year for optimal results. However, the frequency may vary depending on the usage and condition of the vehicle.

How long does HHO service take?

HHO service usually takes between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the type of vehicle and the severity of carbon buildup.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes, we offer 30 days money back guarantee with a dyno test. Follow the link for more details

Will HHO service increase my vehicle’s horsepower?

Yes, HHO service can improve engine performance, including horsepower, by optimizing the fuel efficiency of the engine.

Will HHO service increase my vehicle’s fuel efficiency?

Yes, HHO service can increase fuel efficiency by improving the combustion process, which reduces fuel consumption and emissions.

Can HHO service help to reduce emissions?

Yes, HHO service can help to reduce emissions by improving the combustion process and reducing carbon buildup in the engine.

Is HHO service effective for diesel engines?

Yes, HHO service is effective for diesel engines, and it can help to reduce emissions and improve performance.

Is HHO service effective for gasoline engines?

Yes, HHO service is effective for gasoline engines, and it can help to reduce emissions and improve performance.

How does HHO service compare to other engine cleaning methods?

HHO service is a non-invasive, safe, and effective method for engine cleaning compared to other methods that involve chemical additives or disassembly of engine components.

Is HHO service expensive?

HHO service is an affordable and cost-effective way to improve engine performance and fuel efficiency, especially when compared to other engine cleaning methods.

Is there a warranty for HHO service?

Most HHO service providers offer a warranty for their services, and it is recommended to ask about the warranty before getting the service done.

Can HHO service be done on all types of vehicles?

Yes, HHO service can be done on all types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, buses, and boats.

Can HHO service be done on electric vehicles?

No, HHO service is not recommended for electric vehicles since they do not have a combustion engine.

Can HHO service be done on hybrid vehicles?

Yes, HHO service is recommended for hybrid vehicles with ‘Maintenance mode’ engaged.

How long will the effects of HHO service last?

The effects of HHO service can last up to a year, depending on the usage and condition of the vehicle.

Can HHO service cause any damage to the environment?

No, HHO service is an environmentally friendly process since it uses only water and does not release any harmful chemicals or emissions.

Will the HHO service void my vehicle’s warranty?

No, the HHO service will not void your vehicle’s warranty.

How long does the HHO service take?

The HHO service usually takes about 1 hour to complete.

How much does the HHO service cost?

The cost of the HHO service varies depending on the size of the engine. Please contact us for a quote.

How does the HHO service help the environment?

Overall, HHO carbon cleaning contributes to a cleaner environment by enhancing engine performance, reducing harmful emissions, and supporting sustainable automotive practices. This innovative technology not only benefits vehicle owners but also plays a vital role in efforts to combat pollution and climate change.